Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sons and Daughters of Destiny


Just finished a workshop in ATL with the Sons and Daughters of Destiny Summer Youth Academy. It was great! The participants were fun to work with and they were very involved in the group discussions. I had to calm them down several times, especially when talking about pre-marital sex. But it was all good. I had an opportunity to share with them and they had the opportunity to give me some much needed feedback regarding the Tru-2-Life Series and Brittani. Everyone wanted to know what happened to Brittani, Ayana and Kenny. I gave them a sneak peek, but couldn't tell much cause I ain't finished with book 2 yet and I don't even know myself what will happen in the end with all of the characters. LOL

As you can tell by the pics, we had a ball. A DEA officer and his K-9 dog, Drake, were there to provide drug related info with the participants. Even though I work in the field of drugs and alcohol, I learned a thing or two. All I can say is, don't do drugs. Drake is definitely on the case. Trying to mask the smell with coffee, air freshners and whatever else you think of can not outsmart the keen nose of a trained dog. Trust me.

Here's a shout out to all of the participants, the panel guests and most of all to Ms. Katheryn Jones of Destiny Family Services.

Until nest time...
Be Blessed,

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why Can't We All Just Get Along

Hey Y'all,

Every now and again, I browse other blogs just to get an idea of what's out there. I also look for ways to improve my own site. But y'all, look at what I found while browsing. Other pictures of this nature can be found on

As they say here in South Carolina, "Bless their hearts." Aren't they just adorable? Now, let me be the first to say that I am not at all fond of rats or their babies. But even I can't deny the beauty and simplicity of this picture. A bird protecting a rodent with its wing is not something that you will see everyday. However, it reminds me of how God's love continually covers us. Even at times when we don't deserve it, His grace and mercy shields us.

Today, make an effort to protect a relationship. When someone offers you gossip about a friend, let the gossiper know that you will not tolerate such talk about your friend. Be like that little bird and guard your friend. Just remember, if that person will talk about someone else to you, they will talk about you to someone else.

Be Blessed,

Friday, June 01, 2007


Just wanted to share with you an upcoming event that I believe will be a wonderful opportunity for teens. It's the "Holywood Retreat" sponsored by Cee Cee Michaela (that's her in the picture). Check out her website at for more information on this event. Please make all attempts to be there. I know that I will. Cee Cee has lined up some really wonderful individuals to share their gifts and talents with you. There will even be a purity ceremony for those willing to take a vow of purity (more on the subject of purity later).

Take care,