Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hey Everybody,

For the next 5 days I will be posting thoughts on the Fruit of the Spirit. During the holiday season, I know that all of the hustle and bustle can sometimes get us off track and full of everything but the Fruit of the Spirit. Today, I want to focus on love. Ask yourself the following questions:

What does love mean to me?
How am I showing love to others?
When was the last time I really felt loved?

The answers will give you an idea of how you are giving and receiving love. It all centers around your definition of love. How you define love is the foundation for your belief system. In order to love others you must first love yourself. When you look in the mirror, who is the real person that you see? Do you see a loving person? Or, do you see someone that is not so sure of why anyone would love you? If you answered "yes" to those questions, repeat the following statement to yourself in the mirror:

"God is love, therefore I am loveable. I love myself, because God loves me. I am beautiful. I am wonderful. And, I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength."

So, in this season of giving, receive the love that only God can provide. Pure love.

Your Assignment:
Read 1 Corinthians 13 and wherever you see the words love or charity, replace them with your name. Let's see how loving you really are.

Until tomorrow...LOVE!

Mama Peay

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