Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Last night during Watch Night service, my daughter Caity gave a compelling testimony that simply warmed my heart. Last year was somewhat of a difficult year for Caity, ending with the passing of her paternal grandmother early December. The challenges were so intense that she even considered transferring to another college. However, with prayer and much thought Caity decided to ride it out, woman up, and face the challenges. Her father and I are pleased with her decision.

During her testimony, Caity shared her motto for the year - "It's mine in 2009." How fitting considering all she went through last year. You see in 2009 I don't believe that she will allow the gossip, obstacles or haters to get in the way of her accomplishments. I want to encourage you to make positive affirmations for yourself. Don't allow the haters to get the best of you. It's too early in the game to strike out now. Challenge yourself. Provide positive self talk. Pat yourself on the back, even when no one else will. Be your own cheerleader. You deserve it.



P.S. That's Caity on Halloween 2008. Isn't she cute!

1 comment:

Hopechest Bride said...

Ok...first, tell Caity I think she's just too cute as a and she's right on target, don't let the haters stop her from acheiving her goals. I will keep praying for her.